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Author: rawat Subject: ANYONE GOING TO ODESSA?
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posted on 07-12-2009 at 08:57 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I was wondering how many of you are planning to go visit your RW in Odessa and when?
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By gibarra (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 07-16-2009 at 00:46 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Tour group

Foreign Affair has about 40 guys arriving today in Odessa, July 16th.
They will be there for aout 10 days.
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By ken (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 07-17-2009 at 21:15 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

But all of them fly from the USA to Odessa on the same flight or all separately on their own?

I was looking for someone to join with from anywhere in the USA...
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By gibarra (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 07-17-2009 at 21:58 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Odessa tour

About 75% go together, some are coming from different countries and some just want to do there own air.
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By ken (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 07-19-2009 at 20:26 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

What type of advice can be useful for me to find someone willing to have me join on their trip to Odessa so I won't have to go alone. I do not mean an official tour.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By gibarra (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 07-24-2009 at 21:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

......It has now become clear it won't be easy
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posted on 08-24-2009 at 14:59 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
just out of curiousity....

Why would you want to go to Odessa with someone but not on a tour? Tours are designed for exactly that!
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By MasonBurkhalter (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 08-24-2009 at 21:20 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

3 reasons:

1. The official tour will cost me twice as expensive as booking all by myself. All that extra money goes directly out of your wallet into the agency bank accounts.

2. The tours include lots of things I do not need or want and I still have to pay like: socials, city tours, expensive restaurants, etc.

3. I have no money to spend on things I don't need, only on things I really need.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By gibarra (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 08-26-2009 at 21:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
tours can save you in the long run

If you are going to see one girl there are many reasons to go on the tour.
Only about 5% of guys who go to meet one girl end up getting engaged.
So guys who go to meet one, end up going over and over. So in the end they spend much more. The money you send to a good tour operator is usually well worth it. You get good hotel, great support, breakfast, socials, air fair, city tour, walking tours, unlimited personal introductions, socials where you can meet hundreds of women. Plus make lots of lasting friends. I know I really enjoyed going out on double dates, group dates. Lots of camaraderie with the other tour members.

The money you give to tour operator goes to years and years of experience and support. Does not just go in to there bank accounts, goes to providing a high quality of service.

I highly recommend joing the live webcast this Thursday night. John Adams and tour Leader Peter King will be taking calls. This is an extremely informative program, regardless if you use there service or not

Just go to: http://www.loveme.com/live

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By ken (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 08-28-2009 at 08:42 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Great Show

Great show, very very informative, would have been nice if I could have gotten in to ask questions, I guess you had to many callers. Is this going to be every Thursday now?
PS Peters voice was a little hard to hear, same with one of the callers.
Besides that show was very good.

View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By JD09 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 09-10-2011 at 18:49 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Going to Odessa

I know this is about two years too late, but I'm going. As several of the people that replied to you said, a tour is a great way to go, but I always go by myself. I have written all about my experience and I break down the costs. In my analysis (based on experience), a tour isn't really any more expensive, plus it can save you should it not work between you and the girl you're going to see.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By EyesOfOdessa (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 11-04-2011 at 00:51 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I am travelling to odessa the first week of october and was looking for a female companion to show me around
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By rawat (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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