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Author: Frustrated66 Subject: Falsly Accused - what to do

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Registered: 11-09-2017

posted on 11-10-2017 at 00:03 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Falsly Accused - what to do

What to do???
In our most recent mediation session to settle our divorce, my ex-wife accused me of assaulting her 10 years ago and is demanding compensation for this as part of our settlement.
While some elements of the story are true, the majority of the events she describes have been created by her unmedicated bipolar imagination, and are full of fictions and illogical statements. She has even conceded this on previous occasions. I have sort legal advice that concluded that I was assaulted by her on the day in question, not the other way around. And this is only one of the many occasions during our marriage when she struck me, or threatened to jump out of a second story window, or actually jumped from a moving car, etc, etc during our marriage. While she has since been diagnosed and medicated for bipolar, she did not consistently follow through on the treatment required during our marriage, stating it effects her artistic abilities. Needless to say, this inability for her to take responsibility for her own actions is the cause of our relationship breakdown.
So, my issue is I am flat out angry with her right now !!!!
But my real issue is what do I do ? I do not want to be bullied and extorted to paying compensation for a crime that did not happen. So, do I challenge her to take the issue further, or take it to the police myself, in an effort to have the facts come out, putting both of us, and my son, through the legal fall out that would occur? Do I argue it through the divorce process, where the only winners will be the lawyers who rack up the legal fees as it goes back and forth, or do I pay the blackmailer to keep the peace?
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