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Author: Jackiejack Subject: Dont send money
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Registered: 08-03-2005
Location: Santa Monica, CA.

posted on 07-06-2009 at 22:05 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Dont send money

Number one rule: NEVER EVER SEND MONEY. Just do not do it. All scams request money for visas, medical. English classes, Internet, help with family. These are all scams. No matter what you are not the exceptions! Send money you will be scammed. Just DO NOT DO IT!

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View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By admin (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 09-29-2009 at 08:17 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
very useful

very useful
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By tester (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Registered: 04-14-2020

posted on 04-14-2020 at 14:02 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

thanks for the info
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By richardmiami21 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 06-18-2020 at 04:05 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

'thanks for the info' If you are looking for a healthy diet plan...! Here we offer you a plan for free of cost.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By lawono5517 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 07-06-2020 at 01:18 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

When you have already gone through the literature review section, methodology chapter, analysis and discussion of findings, etc., it is definitely time for writing results dissertation example
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By markmark (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 08-07-2020 at 03:21 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
this rule

I thought everyone has already learned this rule. Scammers try to ask for money in all possible ways. It is feasible that someone gonna do what they ask for.
View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Jackiejack (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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